30 March 2008

Google Trend 30 mar 08: Matt Maupin

The Army has identified remains found in Iraq as belonging to Matt Maupin of Bartonville's 724th Transportation Company. Staff Sergeant Maupin went missing on April 9th, 2004. He was the only U.S. soldier unaccounted for in Iraq. His unit was ambushed in Iraq. D.N.A. testing and a piece of clothing confirmed the remains were of Matt Maupin. Maupin's family was given the news by a three star general around one this afternoon. The community of Len Este, Ohio, near Cincinnati, rallied around Maupin's parents Carolyn and Keith Maupin over the past four years. With the help of friends, Keith Maupin spread the word that his son is coming home. "I feel bad that Matt didn't come home the way we wanted. But, he's coming home. And, I don't know, I can't explain it. But, we got a lot of prayers and I think that helps me," Keith Maupin said. A memorial service is being planned for Maupin. Source: Week-TV watch a collection of photos of Matt's team

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